Taunted At The DMV Like Fake Fall In The Carolinas


Much like the fall weather teases Carolinians, I have felt taunted by our local DMV. I am yet to hear a good story come out of the Department Of Motor Vehicles, yet I find myself there more than most people. 

If you're new around here, welcome! If you've been a fan of our family's blog, then you know we host an Aupair from Colombia. An Aupair is someone from another country, between the ages of 18-26, who comes to live with you and attend school in exchange for room, board, and child care. They also provide your family with a great deal of culture in which to expose your children.  

Although hosting an Aupair is convenient and consistent care for your little ones, there is also a learning curve for the Aupair and the host family alike. This is our second Aupair (our first during COVID times) and we are still learning. 

Getting our new Aupair fully situated this time around has been a lengthy process. More specifically, getting her a driver's license. In my last blog, I told you all that she was about to take her written drivers test, and I am happy to report, she passed! So the next logical step for her was to take the road test. BOGEY! 

When I say, this has been the most challenging part of our journey, I speak the cold hard truth. I told you all on my Mommyhood 2 Menopause Podcast that her original driving instructor fell asleep in the car (among other things), and we had to start from square one. However, when we showed up at the DMV on-road course day, it seemed history was about to repeat itself.  

On October 11th, we were turned away from the DMV and told that they were not currently doing road course tests, even though we were able to secure an appointment online. Not only that but we were also informed that Aupair Laura would not be eligible for the road test waiver because she was not a US citizen. The reason we were given was because of Covid 19, which to me didn't make sense as just days earlier the government announced that it was going to open our borders to tourists. I questioned the man's knowledge of what he said was a recent email his office received from Raleigh and was completely shut down and told to leave. 

After hearing of other Aupairs who had no issue taking their road test later that week, I decided to call Raleigh to get some answers for myself. The woman I spoke to was lovely. She answered all of my questions and said that the man who gave me that information was incorrect. That in fact, the last email to go out to offices was reinstating the road course test as of Oct 1st. So she had no knowledge of what I assume the man made up. 

Luckily, after securing another appointment the following week at a different location, Laura was able to take her test! I remember walking in with her and saying "Girl, come hell or high water, you are taking your test today!" 

I am happy to report that Aupair Laura, not only got to take her test that day but... SHE PASSED!   


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